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how to travel to the hotel by train or by car

The journey to Hotel Vösenhuber

Strengberg is located between Linz and Amstetten near the Westautobahn (A1), and it is also close to the Westbahn (railroad). Therefore it is within easy reach, either by private automobile or by train (Federal Austrian Railroad - ÖBB).

Journey by car

Coming from Vienna on Westautobahn you take exit "Oed" to leave the motorway. Then go to Strengberg on Bundesstraße 1 (B1).
Coming from Linz/Salzburg you have to take exit "Stadt Haag - Strengberg" to leave Westautobahn. Hotel Vösenhuber can hardly be missed then. It is located on the south side of Bundesstraße 1, which goes right through Strengberg.

Journey by train

You can get to Strengberg on Westbahn by taking any Intercity-train of the Federal Austrian Railroad. The trains run hourly in either direction. Get off at St. Valentin and take a taxi (tel. 07435/59000) to Strengberg.

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